Block A Cell Phone Number

When placing a call from your cell phone, you may not always want your number to show up on a caller ID. It is very easy to trace cell phone numbers, and look up cell phone numbers if you receive a call from one. Knowing this, cell phone companies have made it easy to block cell phone numbers as well.

You can make calls from your cell phone and easily block the number from being seen. A popular search item is "block cell phone number," and it is easy to see why. Cell phones come standard with caller ID. With most people owning and using cell phones every day, cell phone numbers are rarely kept private. But if want to block your cell phone number, it is easy and free.

One way is to dial customer service for your cell phone carrier. Enter 611 in your cell phone, and you should reach your cell phone company's customer service. When talking to customer service, you can request line block and have your number remain anonymous when making calls. This is a common and popular way to block cell phone numbers.

If you activate line block on your cell phone, you can deactivate it before any call. Simply dial *82 before placing your next call, and your number should appear on caller ID like before.

If you do not want line block, but want to block your number during a specific call, you can do this as well. Dial *67 before dialing any individual cell phone number, and your number should be blocked during that call and that call only.

Cell phone privacy is hard to come by. Using these tips, though, you can remain as anonymous as you'd like when making calls from your cell phone.



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